Today in AvaMods History -> Big Pun Overdose

5 years ago on July 11 2014 the AvaMods community lost a long time regular, Gen. |SS| The Punisher.

He wanted nothing more than to be a member of AvaMods. In fact I found it quite disturbing how much it seemed to mean to him, so we here at AvaMods decided to have some fun with him in regards to membership. I don't fully recall all the details anymore but I believe we made him and 2 other people trial members (one of the other people also happened to be a real life friend of his). We really had no intention of making him an actual member as we pretty much all agreed that he was too prone to abuse any admin powers that he would have. So we let this trial period go on for a little bit, and I think that might have gone away on vacation for a week or so and when I returned I ended the trial period and told all 3 people that no one was being made a full member. While at the same time I told the other 2 that they really would become members shortly.. So eventually after a slight delay we made the other 2 people full members while making Punisher nothing haha. I remember how pissed off and upset he was about it all...

I wouldn't exactly say that I feel bad about it now... but it really did crush him and he lost all hope for his life... It is probably what drove him to hard drugs and eventually his fatal overdose...

Ricky Grippo (1986-2014)

posted by diamond-optic in News ( comments: 0 )
Thursday, July 11, 2019 - 10:00PM

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