DemoFreak 0.7.0 beta
Author Mirell Development
Author website -link-
Description 1. Introduction

Welcome to DemoFreak, a tool for game replays recorded with Half-Life.

DemoFreak enables you to easily browse recorded demo files and start them for
playback with various options.

Additionally it will show you a lot of information about the demo file you
are about to watch including Duration, Players, Serverinformation, Console output,
Playerchat and much more.


2. Features

- Free Software!

- Shows used HL modification, Version, played Map, Network information, Demo Duration...

- Supports regular HL startdemo/playdemo/timedemo playmodes to start one
or multiple demos at once

- CS 1.6 / Steam support

- Complete information about the server the demo was recorded on, Name,
Maxplayers, Game, Mapcycle ...

- Console output trace, shows everything you would see in the console window
while watching the demo

- Shows all players, their nickchanges as well as their used netsettings and
commands in the demo

- Fully supports HLTV demos and reads demos correctly in the way HL does

- Customized command line setup

- Shows all talk and ingame say/teamsay/messages/radiocommands/... all Gamemessages!

- Ability to organise demo files in folders and browse them using an easy treeview

- Export in-demo chat to textfiles

- Detects corrupt demos and errors


3. HowTo

- Start DemoFreak.exe
- In the program's menu select "Tools > Options"
- Check if your Half-Life folder is set correctly otherwise click on "browse..."
- Set the preferences according to you needs
- Click on OK and exit the dialog
- Browse to a folder containing demo files in the left treeview
- Demofiles will appear in the right listview
- Select a demofile to get more information about it
- Use the tabpages (General, Server, Players...) to look at various information
- To start the playback, right-click on a demofile and select "Play"


4. FAQ

Q: Why should I use DemoFreak?
A: DemoFreak is some sort of GUI Frontend if you would like to watch replays
of interesting matches recorded within any Half-Life compatible Modification.
It also gives you plenty of Information about the Demo before you start the playback.

Q: Can we put DemoFreak on our CD-ROM or distribute it with our magazine?
A: Please contact -email- for permission before doing so.

Q: Why are you doing this?
A: I needed a way to read demo files for another project I was coding.
After I failed looking for any valuable information regarding
the demo file format I started with the creation of a simple demoanalyzer
which evolved to DemoFreak now.

Q: Does DemoFreak support other game replays then Halflife Demos?
A: We are planning on adding support for many popular games.

Q: How much does it cost?
A: DemoFreak is free but might contain a small banner system in the future. (Nothing annoying!)

Q: Why does the Player details only show cl_xy and not other cvars?
A: DemoFreak only displays playerinformation that was actually recorded in the demo (cl_cmdrate not f.e.) and what can be read with the current version.

Q: Will it be possible to directly create AVI files?
A: Yes, with audio (hopefully). You will click on a "Create AVI..." option and receive your desired file for a demo. You will still need a HL installation.

Q: Will there be support for other Demo File Formats / Games ?
A: Yes, though we are first targeting support of formats based on the Quake 1 DEM format, followed by various others.

Q: How to create movies using DemoFreak?
A: DemoFreak is for starting your host game and display information about a demo file. You can use the "Play Extra > Startmovie" command to create a bunch of .bmp files from the action. You should check out this tutorial on that.

Q: How deos DemoFreak help me in league matches?
A: Tell your opponent to start recording a single small demo. While doing so he should issue your desired commands and stop the demo recording. If he does "cvarlist ex_*" and "status" for example you or an administrator will be able to see the output/input from inside DemoFreak. Means, IP's/SteamID/Names/Settings.


5. Web/Contact

Official DemoFreak Website

Filesize 349.76 kB
Date Tuesday, February 20, 2007 - 04:31PM
Downloads 681
Download DemoFreak 0.7.0 beta

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