DoD Tackle (v1.3)
Author diamond-optic
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Description dod tackle
- Version 1.3
- 06.13.2007
- diamond-optic


- Sprint into enemy players (or teammates with ff on) to do the following:
* knock the weapon out of their hands (primary weapon)
* knock any objects (tnt/satchel/etc) or their extra ammo out of their hands
* knock them down on the ground (if not already prone)
* 'particle' effect -> little floating dots all around you
* quick little screenfade
* push the player when you hit them
* do damage to the player

- Theres also a quicker fade for the attacker so you know when you hit someone
- Various CVAR settings to control various aspects
- Can Set it so admins can 'hit' teammates even with ff off
- Logs various details for psychostats to pick up (thanks TatsuSaisei)
- Has NO effect on bots (dont really think its worth processing them)


dod_tackle "1" //turn ON(1)/OFF(0) plugin

dod_tackle_use "0" //turn ON(1)/OFF(0) needing to press +use key
//while sprinting. Setting to "1" while having
//friendly fire on is useful so you dont hit
//teammates all the time...

dod_tackle_admins "0" //turn ON(1)/OFF(0) admins being able to hit
//teammates even when ff is off (def. admin: immunity)

dod_tackle_ff "2" //determines how plugin behaves in FF situations...
//"0" = NO friendly fire no matter what
//"1" = ALWAYS friendly fire
//"2" = Obeys mp_friendlyfire setting

dod_tackle_drop "1" //turn ON(1)/OFF(0) dropping weapon (if using primary)
dod_tackle_dropchance "2" //chance of dropping weapon (1 in # chance)

dod_tackle_prone "1" //turn ON(1)/OFF(0) forcing prone
dod_tackle_pronechance "3" //chance of forcing prone (1 in # chance)

dod_tackle_fade "1" //turn ON(1)/OFF(0) screenfade
dod_tackle_fadechance "1" //chance of screenfade (1 in # chance)
dod_tackle_fade_attacker "1" //turn ON(1)/OFF(0) screenfade for the attacker

dod_tackle_push "1" //turn ON(1)/OFF(0) pushing te victim
dod_tackle_pushchance "2" //chance of pushing the victim (1 in # chance)

dod_tackle_dmg "1" //turn ON(1)/OFF(0) doing damage
dod_tackle_dmgchance "4" //chance of doing damage (1 in # chance)
dod_tackle_dmgamt "40" //amount of damage for each hit

dod_tackle_particles "1" //turn ON(1)/OFF(0) 'particle' effect
dod_tackle_particleschance "2" //chance of effect happening (1 in # chance)

dod_tackle_vector "1" //turn ON(1)/OFF(0) 'vector/punchangle' effect
dod_tackle_vectorchance "2" //chance of effect happening (1 in # chance)


* controls the admin level used
* default level: immunity

* sets the angle used when calculating the vector/punchangle effect
* this number is set as the maximum posible angle
* the number is negated to set the minimum posible angle
* default value: 40

* controls whether all files are precached or not
* If you find that some sounds dont work, enable this
* If you get any related precache errors, enable this


- 11.07.2006 Version 1.0
Initial Release

- 11.13.2006 Version 1.1
Added new hit & damage sounds

- 11.18.2006 Version 1.2
Fixed typo in the CVAR list comment (missing last 'c' in dod_tackle_fade_attacker)
Added CVAR to control how the plugin acts with friendly fire
Fixed being able to still hit bots

- 11.18.2006 Version 1.2b
Fixed getting player team before checking if its really a player (im so dumb)

- 06.13.2007 Version 1.3
Removed some unneccesary code & made various improvements..
Blocked tackle after round end
Improved weapon dropping
Added dropping of objects & extra ammo
Now will undo some +/- client commands
Added 'particles' effect
Removed 'speed' cvar as sprint speed seems to always be constant
Added 'vector' effect (punchangle)
Removed default DoD sounds from precache (dod already precaches them)
Added FULL_PRECACHE define to enable precaching all files
Adjusted 'push' force
Fixed bug with setting user kills
Filesize 16.25 kB
Date Wednesday, June 13, 2007 - 04:44PM
Downloads 817
Download DoD Tackle (v1.3)

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