AvaMods 2.ii Upgrade

Well its bout that time again for another upgrade to AvaMods... This time it brings us up to 2.ii lol

Anyway with the new theme on the website, ive opted to make things as simple as can be. Tried to stick with basically the same color scheme but removed the whiteness of the old layout so its not so fucking bright anymore... On top of that, theres also a bunch of other changes... One big aspect is there is no longer the flash menu to navigate around the site, this makes things a bit smoother in IE (no longer needs two clicks to goto a link on the menu) as well as it adds compatibility with x64 browsers (since there is no flash player for x64 browsers as of yet) ..there is also no more user registration, no more chatbox, well ok maybe thats all thats really changed i guess. This hopefully will resolve the confusion that some idiots seem to encounter when they cant handle registering on the website (for no reason what so ever) and then register on the forum too.. So now you only have to register on the forums..

I also took off the download limit for 'guests' now, since you cant register anymore it would be kinda lame to have a limit (unless for some reason bandwidth goes thru the roof) for people that arent logged in...

Over the next few days I'll be applying some other various 'updates' to shit around here, the forums, and the gameserver.. etc etc... Not to mention searching for all the places that have 2.i and changing them to 2.ii

Anyway, enjoy
posted by diamond-optic in News ( comments: 0 )
Thursday, July 02, 2009 - 09:49PM

team cdrive
AvaMods 0.x
AvaMods 1.x
AvaMods 2.x
AvaMods 3.o
AvaMods 4.o
AvaMods 5.o

team cdrive   AvaMods
