[GTA V Mods] Lowriders Update..

Once Script Hook V gets updated and after I reinstall all my update folder related mods I'll be updating any of my scripts that have anything to do with the new content from the patch (I will also check for any changes to the files used in all my other released mods). The first update will probably be for the Weapon Drop script to include the new weapons. But since the new cars can probably be added into single player via mods or trainers, I might also be able to do some updates relating to them as well..

While this depends on when Script Hook V gets updated, Im hoping that this will all happen by the end of this weekend...

posted by diamond-optic in News ( comments: 0 )
Tuesday, October 20, 2015 - 06:09PM

team cdrive
AvaMods 0.x
AvaMods 1.x
AvaMods 2.x
AvaMods 3.o
AvaMods 4.o
AvaMods 5.o

team cdrive   AvaMods
